PhD Thesis
Experimental an Computational Study of Flow Development Through Flow Metering and Flow Conditioning Devices
Researcher : Boualem LARIBI
Supervisors :
(The Catholic University of Louvaine, Belgium)
- Dr Mohamed AICHOUNI
- Prof. Pierre WAUTERS
Submitted at : The Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Blida, Algeria, Jan 2004.
Abstract Accuracy and precision of flow meters are among the most important metrological parameters in most industries dealing with icreasingly expensive fluids. The accuracy of these devices depends not only on their construction and method of operation but also on their position in pipe network. Pipe fitings such as valves, bends and other fixtures generate turbulence and swil and distort the flow distribution in the pipe. The present work is concerned with an experimental and a computational investigations on:
- The decay process of highly swirling flow (generated by a 90° out of planes double bend) in a circular pipe
- The effect of the swirling flow on an orifice flow meter accuracy
- The efficiency of three flow conditioners to romove the flow distortion and to improve the meter accuarcy.
Laser Doppler Anemometry and Computational fluid Dynamics techniques have been used to carry on the investigation.
Résumé La précision de mesure du débit de fluides est un paramètre d'importance capitale sur les plans technologique et économique dans la majorité des industries. Cette précision est influencée par les conditions d'installation des débitmètres dans la conduite. Selon les normes internationales (ISO 5167) régissant la mesure du débit dans les conduites industrielles, une condition d'écoulement acceptable, requiert une longue distance de développement rectiligne de l'écoulement en amont du débitmètre ou le placement d'un conditionneur d'écoulement. Le présent travail de recherche est une contribution numérique et expérimentale pour l'étude de :
- Le developpement des écoulements fortement giratoires créés par deux coudes a 90° dans deux plans différents dans une conduite circulaire;
- L'effet de conditions non standards (perturbation d'écoulement crées par des coudes doubles) sur la précision de mesure de débitmètres à diaphragmes normalisés;
- L'efficacité de conditionneurs d'écoulements à éliminer les perturbations de l'écoulement et à produire la condition de l'écoulement établi et à réduire les erreurs de meures du débitmètres.
Les techniques expérimentale (Anemometre laser à effet Doppler LDA) et numérique (Computational Fluids Dynamics CFD) ont été utilisées pour mener cette étude.
Published Papers
Laribi, B. , Waters, P. Aichouni, M, and Ouali, M. ' Further analysis of the aerodynamic behavior of flow conditioners', The European Journal of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering' , paper N° 167, Issue of fall 2003.
Aichouni, M , Laribi, B., Benchicou, S. and Chirigui M. 'Metrological aspects of Industrial flow metering systems', The 4th Middle East Refining and Petrochemicals Exhibition and Conference, Bahrein, 29 Sept-01 Oct, 2003.
Laribi, B. , Waters, P. and Aichouni, M, ' A Comparative study of the aerodynamic behavior of three flow conditioners', The European Journal of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering' , Vol. 48 (1), pp. 21-30, March 2003.
Aichouni, M, Al Nais, M. and Laribi B., 'On the metrological performances of differential flow meters', The 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, December 14-17, 2002.
Laribi, B. , Waters, P. And Aichouni, M, 'Experimental study of the aerodynamic behavior downstream of three flow conditioners' , Paper N° FEDSM2002-31080; The 2002 ASME Fluids Engineering Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, July 14-18, 2002.
Aichouni, M., Laribi, and Wauters, P. 'Experimental investigation of the installation effects on Venturi and Orifice flowmeters', The 10th International Metrology Congress, BNM, Saint Louis, France, October 22-25, 2001.
B. Laribi, P. Wauters and M. Aichouni, ' Experimental study of the decay of swirling turbulent pipe flow and its effect on orifice meter performance', ASME Fluids Engineering Conference', New Orleans, USA, May , 29 - June 1, 2001.
M. Aichouni and B. Laribi, 'Computational study of the aerodynamic behaviour of the Laws vaned plate flow conditioner', Forum on Fluid Measurement and Instrumentation, 2000 ASME Fluids Engineering Conference, Boston, USA, June 11-15, 2000.
M. Aichouni, B. Laribi, N. Retiel, S. Houat, D. Nehari and S. Benchicou, 'Experimental investigation of the installation effects on the Venturi flow meter performance', Forum on Fluid Measurement and Instrumentation, 2000 ASME Fluids Engineering Conference, Boston, USA, June 11-15, 2000.
This page is designed and maintained by : Dr Mohamed Aichouni
Last Updated on : November 2003