Metrology Training at the Technical Education and Vocational Training Level
PhD, Assistant Professor Senior Engineer, Regional Director
Hail College of Technology, KSA. National Office of Legal Metrology
Email : Associate Professor at Mostaganem University, Algeria
Paper Presented at : The 3rd Saudi Technical Conference and Exhibition, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
28 Shawal – 4 Dhul-qaada 1425 H , 11- 15 December 2004
4 – WHAT
5 –
Metrology is
the science of measurements. Measurements are present in every aspect of our
daily life. Specifically industry and trade rely heavily on measurements and
metrology. These two concepts constitute the major components of quality
systems. Within the highly competitive market which is characterized by
globalization, industrial companies (public or private) are considering
metrology and quality in their technological decisions and innovation
policies. This has resulted in an increased demand for training in the area
of metrology especially with the pressure exerted by the need to get the ISO
9000 Quality Assurance certification. This paper
addresses the important issue of metrology training and makes a proposal for
a training program in metrology at the Technical Education and Vocational
Training level to support real and urgent need of Saudi industrial sectors.
WORDS: Metrology, Quality,
Vocational, Technical, Education, Training, ISO 9000, DACUM, ABET.
Metrology is the science of measurements
associated with the evaluation of its uncertainty. Metrology and measurement
have a key position in the areas of science, research, industrial
production, product quality testing and certification. Metrology can be
wrongly seen to be a research science for highly specialized experts
conducted in highly sophisticated laboratories. Its results together with
the appropriate measurement equipment are widely used in the every aspects
of our daily life. Modern industries rely heavily on measurements and
metrology. It is estimated that the costs of measurements represent up to 15
percent of the production costs. In Europe of today what is measured and
weighted costs about 6 percent of the combined Gross National Product (Halaj
et al. 2003).
As we enter the 21st century, metrology has
reached a level of unprecedented strategic importance both to the economy
and society as a whole. Why is this the case? Why metrology? And why now?
The answers to these questions lie in three forces that are reshaping the
modern economy :
the globalization of trade,
investment and manufacturing;
the development of international
standards for all kinds of goods and services; and
the explosive growth of high
technology in almost every sector of the economy.
Each of these forces are increasing the
demand for advanced metrology and high requirements on the qualifications
and skills of persons working in all areas of industrial activity. They are
also the drivers behind the growing push for greater international
cooperation in the field of metrology. Adequate knowledge in metrology and
measurement is more than ever necessary for industrial technicians,
engineers and managers in almost all engineering fields (Mechanical,
Electrical, Electronics, Automotive, Petrochemical, Defense, Health, Trade,
In today`s world, there is no greater
pressure on industrial companies than to become ISO certified. ISO 9000
standards series continue to evolve and advance the requirements of an
internationally accepted quality management system (QMS) that is the
foundation for global trade. Contained within these standards are elements
of fundamental metrology skills, which employers may expect a graduate of
technology based degree to possess. The ISO 9001 QMS requires the use of
competent personnel as defined in section 6.2 and the establishment of an
effective system for the control, inspection and measurement equipment
covered in section 7.6. Within highly competitive market, industrial
companies are considering metrology and measurement in their technological
decisions and innovation policies. This has resulted in an increased demand
for training in the area of metrology and measurement. With the advent of
the ISO 17025 (formerly ISO Guide 25) and the ISO 9000 Quality Assurance
series, and through a DACUM curriculum analysis, Bagley (2000) showed that
the need for metrologists is continuing to rise in order to support the
strong demand in both the private and the public industrial and commercial
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AND EDUCATION (Bagley, 2000):
Industrialized nations have realized the
importance of metrology. The Department of defense DOD, the U. S. Navy and
Air forces launched important metrology training programs since the 1940`s.
They established the rating of Instrumentman (IM) in 1947 to install, test,
calibrate, overhaul, and repair measurement equipments. Many military
metrology schools then began to evolve. For example, the U. S. Air Force
began its metrology training program at Lowry Air Force Base in 1959. Around
1961, the Navy Metrology Engineering Center at Pomona, CA offered metrology
courses in most measurement disciplines. After the mid-sixties, a
Tri-Services agreement provided for gradual consolidation of the courses at
Lowry. Such military training organizations remained the main source of
metrology training from the 60’s through the 80’s. Other training has been
carried on at military bases at San Diego and Norfolk. As documented in the
Navy film entitled Why Calibrate, calibration is an important part of
effective delivery of weaponry. Comprehensive calibration programs evolved
in all branches of the armed services (e.g., the U.S. Navy METCAL Program).
Calibration laboratories sprouted up all over the world, and it became
obvious that not only would standards laboratories be required to support
the calibration laboratories, but also a system for training metrology
personnel was vital to the success of the program. Numerous military
schools came into being and utilized the NAVAIR 17-35QAL-SERIES training
manuals. These schools trained military and civil service personnel in the
calibration of assets in the Navy’s inventory and the associated, basic
theory. Schools were held at a variety of sites including the Naval Plant
Representative Office in Pomona, CA, and Lowry Air Force Base.
3 –
The need and importance of metrology training
has continued to rise in recent years as a consequence of the increased
requirements of ISO 9000 and ISO 17025 quality assurance standards. Now,
metrology training, which is required to support private industry as well as
the public sector, is offered by International organizations for standards (NIST,
ISO, BNM, API etc..), professional organizations (ASME, ASQ, etc...),
educational colleges, technical universities, commercial test equipment
manufacturers and by industrial consultants. An internet research on
colleges offering degrees in metrology and related topics led to the
following results:
Industrial Research Institute Swinburne (IRIS) in Melbourne,
The Brunel Center for Manufacturing Metrology.
Brunel University,
London, UK.
Ecole d`Ingénieurs des Mines
de DOUAI, France.
Université de Toulon
, France.
Helsinki University of Technology,
Metrology Research
Fleming Institute for
Training in Metrology, Sir Sanford Fleming College, Ontario, Canada.
University of
Mostaganem, Algeria.
In the USA:
Vocational Training Colleges
Rock Valley College Technology Center, Rockford, IL
Madison Area Technical College, Madison, WI
Piedmont Technical
College, Greenwood, SC
Community Colleges
Butler County Community College, Butler, PA.
Hutchinson Community
College, Hutchinson, MN
McComb County Community College, Warren, MI.
Sinclair County
Community College, Dayton, Michigan.
Tidewater Community
College, Virginia Beach, VA.
California State
University, Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA
University of North
Carolina at Charlotte, NC.
A comprehensive list of metrology schools all
over the world can be retrieved from
the International Journal of Metrology
site. The degrees offered by these educational
institutions range from the Associate degree (2 to 3 years graduate
studies at college or university level), B.Sc (4 to 5 years) and more
advanced research degrees (Master and PhD). Anderegg (1998) noted that while
some colleges are expanding metrology training programs into graduate
schools other schools have difficulty recruiting enough students to justify
continuation of metrology programs. However as mentioned by DeRuntz (2004)
more than 90 percent of metrology degree holders in USA and Europe are
employed in the industry.
It is the authors point of view that
associate degree should be enough to support the needs and demands of
developing countries in this specific area of industrial technology. Our
industrial and economical sectors, our accredited laboratories, and national
organizations of standards such as the SASO (KSA) and ONML (Algeria) should
have a minimum of highly specialized personnel in metrology as required by
the ISO 9000 series standards.
Metrology graduate who will work in
manufacturing and many other service industries should possess the following
competencies and skills:
Understand the basic
measurement principles and practices.
Understand the
definitions of traceability, capability, reliability, uncertainty,
repeatability and reproducibility.
Learn the roles of
calibration, standards and traceability.
Ability to read and
work on measurement standards (National and International).
Operating calibration
laboratory monitoring equipment and reporting on its output .
Scheduling and
tracking routine calibration laboratory activities.
Calibrating sensors,
instruments, gages, and other tools, so that they measure accurately and
produce goods that are exactly the right size and shape according to
Inspecting and/or
calibrating manufactured goods to ensure that they have been made correctly
instruments and products.
Ability to
effectively communicate using the language of measurements.
Writing reports of
findings, documenting procedures, and organizing lab logistics.
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`Mr Metrology` or metrology technician is
asked to maintain and operate sophisticated and sometimes computerized
equipments used to measure weight, density, temperature, pressure,
dimensions, time and many other physical parameters present in the various
industrial processes. He usually works in industrial quality control
departments, standardization organizations and specialist metrology
companies, where he tests and calibrates production equipment to ensure that
products are made perfectly according to design specifications. He is also
involved in sampling and testing goods to ensure that they actually meet the
exacting standards required.
In order to ensure these skills, training
program leading to a degree in metrology should be carefully designed. In
1996, group of experienced metrologists from the US government departments
(trade, defense and industry) and technology educators worked out together
within a DACUM-National Science Foundation program to identify the
competencies required of expert metrologist needed by modern industry
(Krause, 1996). They developed a list of knowledge in subjects that would
constitute a metrology training program. The principal “knowledges”
identified are:
Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics, Calculus.
Sciences: (Physics,
(Composition, Reading, Grammar, Technical Writing)
Technology: Word
Processing, Spreadsheets, Databases, Programming.
B. Metrology Core
Metrology: Measurement
Principles, Uncertainty Analysis, Measurement Traceability, Calibration.
Administration: Laboratory
Practices & Facilities, Ethics and Standards of Conduct, Reports &
Certificates, Training Documentation, Metrology Organizations.
Laboratory, Industrial.
Control: Statistical
Process Control, Measurement Assurance, ISO 9000 and ISO 17025 standards.
C. Metrology Specialty
It has to be noted here that it would be
difficult for a two-year program to provide training for all of the topics
above. This is why specialized metrology programs have been proposed and
offered by different universities and technical colleges such as Associate
degree in industrial technology specialization in mechanical metrology
offered by Tidewater Community College.
In recent surveys Bagley (2000) and DeRuntz
(2004), asked industrial professionals representing a cross-section of
metrology managers, engineers, technicians, ISO assessors from government,
industry and military, which subjects are of interest to modern industry?
The results of the surveys showed strong interest to the following subjects
ISO Accreditation.
Quality Control and
Quality Assurance.
AND QUALITY ASSURANCE AT THE General Organization of Technical education and
Vocational Training :
The concept adopted by most of the
educational institutions offering metrology training is to integrate
metrology into existing large programs as a specialization. For example it
is possible to earn an Associate degree in electrical technology with a
specialization in metrology. Such a proposal has been discussed recently by
Rushdi and Barakeb (2004) to create an associate degree in electro-optics at
the GOTEVOT colleges level. Based on the same concept and after an analysis
of the Saudi industrial and economical sectors needs and through a deep
analysis of the existing training programs offered world wide we found that
it is very relevant to integrate metrology within the mechanical technology
– Production training program with only few adjustments of this program.
The proposed program would lead to a
Diploma in Mechanical Technology with a specialization in
Metrology and Quality Assurance. The training program which is shown
table 1 is intended to provide trainees the basic knowledge and skills
needed to operate, maintain, calibrate, and troubleshoot physical
measurement standards and associated test, measurement. It is designed to
meet the precision measurement needs of Saudi industry by preparing the
trainees through both theoretical lectures and hands-on laboratory work to
successfully enter the work force. Trainees who successfully complete this
program will be prepared for employment in a variety of fields, such as :
Oil and Gas Industry,
Electrical Power
Food production,
Water desalination
Defense (aerospace,
naval, military) ,
National and regional
standardization organizations (SASO),
Transportation, and
We note here that while preparing the
proposal thorough discussions have been made with colleagues educators in
the areas of mechanical technology and metrology from both Mostaganem
university in Algeria and Colleges of technology in KSA. It has been agreed
that this proposal should be checked with respect to the
Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technical
(ABET) criteria to
ensure the quality of the outcome of such a training program.
7 –
Metrology education and training has been
shown to be of crucial importance to Saudi industry in the prospects of the
increased requirements of ISO 9000 and ISO 17025 Quality Assurance
standards. The General Organization of Technical Education and Vocational
Training can heighten its efforts to satisfy the industrial demand and needs
by :
Modifying existing
technical programs and
Adding new subject
related to measurements science and standards.
Such an approach will be easy to implement
and economically justified since the same existing resources (Human,
laboratories, ) will be used to carry on this training program in different
technological fields.
It is the authors view, that a degree in
Mechanical technology with the specialization in Metrology and Quality
assurance will cover an urgent need of Saudi industrial sectors (both public
and private). The training program proposed in this paper can be held at
any Mechanical Technology department having competent educators (PhD, M.Sc.,
Diploma) and relevant measurements laboratories (Dimensional metrology,
Flow, Material testing, Electrical Measurements etc…).
1 – Proposed Program for a Diploma in Mechanical Technology
specialization Metrology and Quality Assurance
First Semester 16
Mathematics (Algebra, geometry,
trigonometry, statistics) 3
Physics and Chemistry 3
English 1 (oral and written
communication) 3
Engineering Drawing Fundamentals 3
Introduction to Computing 1
(Operating Systems, Microsoft Office) 4
Second Semester 17
English 2 3
Industrial Materials (Introduction to
material science and Material Testing) 3
Introduction to Metrology (basic
concepts) 3
Introduction to Quality Systems 3
Industrial Safety 3
Islamic culture 1 2
Third Semester 18
Dimensional Metrology 3
Statistical Quality Control 3
AutoCAD 4
Computer Applications for technicians 4
Islamic culture 2 2
Arabic language (writing technical
reports) 2
Fourth Semester 17
English 3 3
Fluid Flow Metrology 2
Electrical Metrology (Electric and
Light) 3
Total Quality Management
(Fundamentals of ISO 9000 and ISO 17025) 2
Standards and Traceability 2
Interpersonal Relations and
Professional Development 2
Advanced Metrology (Calibration
procedures and uncertainty analysis) 3
Summer Practical (In field) Training
Total Credit hours
[1] M. Halaj, P. Gabko, E. Kurekova1 and
R. Pale, 2003, `Project for the
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[2] J. L. Bagley, 2000,
`Metrology education in the new millennium`,
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Krause, Scott (DACUM Facilitator), 1996.
`Metrology/Precision Measurement Competencies and Skills Profile for
Technicians and Engineers`, Higher Education and Advanced Technology Center
at Lowry, Aurora, C.O.
[4] B. Anderegg, 1998,
`Metrology Education: A
Collaborative Approach`, Proceedings of the 1998 NCSL Workshop & Symposium,
p. 211
[5] DeRuntz, B, 2004,
`Preparing to meet industry`s demand for
dimensional metrology trained industrial technologists`, Journal of
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