Dr Mohamed Aichouni`s Home Page
People who Cited our Papers in their Research
We are proud that some of our papers have been cited by the following eminent researchers in their publications
q Tan, Z. C, Zhang Y and Ford S. E., 'Decay of Rotational Airflow with Flow conditioner in Large Diameter Ducts for Dust Concentration Measurement using Isokinetic sampling', Agricultural Engineering International : The CIGR Joiurnal of Scientific Research and Development, Manuscript BC 03 007, Vol. V, Dec 2003.
(can be downloaded from :
q Ouazzane, A. K. and Benhadj, R. , 'Flow conditioners design and their effects in reducing flow metering errors', Sensor Review, Vol. 22 (3), pp. 223-231, 2002.
q Ouazzane, A. K. and Barigou M., 'A Comparative Study of Two Flow Conditioners and Their Efficacy to Reduce Asymmetric Swirling Flow Effects on Orifice Meter Performance', Special Issue Fluid Flow, Vol. 77 (A8), Nov. 1999.
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