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التقنيات الأساسية و تطبيقاتها في المجالات الإنتاجية و الخدمية
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People who cited our papers in their Research
1 – Books
2 – International Journals and Edited Books Chapters
q Laribi, B. , Waters, P. Aichouni, M, and Ouali, M. ‘ Further analysis of the aerodynamic behavior of flow conditioners’, The European Journal of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering’ , Vol 48 N 3, pp. 167-176, Sept 2003.
q M. Aichouni, E.M. Laws, A.K. Ouazzane, ‘Experimental Study of the effects of upstream flow condition upon Venturi flow meter performance’, Presented at ‘The 6th International Symposium on Flow Modelling and Turbulence Measurements’, Florida, USA, September, 8-10, 1996. Published In ‘Flow modelling and turbulence measurements’, ed. C.J. Chen et al., A.A. Balkema , Roterdam, The Netherlands.
q E. M. Laws and M. Aichouni, ‘An evaluation of the accuracy of Hot-wire measurements’. Thermal Anemometry 1993, FED-Vol. 167, pp. 135-143; Edited by D.E. Stock et al. The Fluid Engineering Conference; Washington, D.C. U.S.A. June, 20‑24 ,1993.
q E. M. Laws and M. Aichouni, ‘A Comparative study of two turbulence Models in Predicting the development of initially distorted Turbulent Pipe flows’. In Data for Validation of C.F.D Codes, FED-Vol. 146, pp. 45-60; Edited by Dan Goldstein et al. The Fluid Engineering Conference; Washington, D.C. U.S.A, June, 20‑24 ,1993.
q M. Aichouni and E. M. Laws, ‘Computational treatment of initially distorted pipe flow’. In Forum on Turbulent flows ‑ 1991, FED ‑ Vol 112, pp. 171‑177. Edited by M.J. Morris et al. ‘The first ASME / JSME Fluids Engineering Conference’. Portland, Oregon, USA. June 23‑27, 1991.
q E. M. Laws and M. Aichouni, ‘Analysis of the decay of turbulent pipe flow ‑ A preliminary study’. In Forum on Turbulent Flows ‑ 1990, FED‑vol. 94, pp. 51‑56. edited by W.M. Bower et. al. ‘1990 ASME/CSME Fluids Engineering Conference’, Toronto, Canada. June 4‑7, 1990.
3 – International Conferences
q Retiel, N, Aichouni, M and Bouguerra, E.H., `Numerical Investigation of transient formation of multilayered structures associated with double diffusive convection in annular cavities', Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Thermal Engineering – Theory and Applications, Amman, Jordan, May 21-23, 2007.
q Aichouni, M and A. S. Al-Harbi, ` Quality Education and Training – Experience with an Arabic web-based e-Learning course on Quality Control`, Presented at the 1st International Congress of the Middle East Quality Association (MEQA-07-UAE), Dubai, UAE, March, 25-27, 2007.
q Aichouni, M, ‘Measurement of the Quality of the Industrial Maintenance Training Program from the Saudi Market stand point (in Arabic)’, Proceedings of The 4th Saudi Technical Conference and Exhibition, GOTEVOT, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, December, 2-6, 2006.
q S. Benchicou, et M. Aichouni, ‘An experimental investigation of the accuracy of industrial Venturi flow meters’, The 5th International Meeting on Energetic Physics, University of Bechar, Algeria, November, 07 – 09, 2000.
q Aichouni M. and Messoul A., ‘Numerical study of turbulent flow in smooth and rough circular pipes. The 5th International Meeting on Energetic Physics, University of Bechar, Algeria, November, 07 – 09, 2000.
q Aichouni M and Benchicou, S, ‘Turbulence control by passive means - Applications to drag reduction’, 2nd International Colloquium on marine sciences, Naval Forces Commandment, Algiers, May 29-31, 1999.
q Aichouni,, M, M. Mous, S. Benchicou, M. Mouaici, M. Belghit, M. Mechmeche, ‘How flow meter condition affects measurements accuracy’, 7th International Symposium on Flow Modelling and Turbulence Measurements’, Tainan, Taiwan, October 5-7, 1998.
q M. Aichouni, M. Mous, S. Benchicou, M. Mouaici, M. Belghit, M. Mechmeche, ‘Experimental study of the effect of internal geometrical irregularities on the performance of a Venturi flow meter’, 3rd Scientific and Technical Meeting of SONATRACH, Algiers, April, 19-22, 1998.
q M. Aichouni, M. Mouaici, S. Benchicou, Y. Fergag, G. Farhi, M. Benni et A. Djedid, ‘Experimental study of the installation effects upon a Venturi flow meter’, Proceedings of the First Arab Congress on Mechanics, vol. 1, pp. 222-216, Damascus, Syria, 01-03 June 1997.
q M. Aichouni, S. Benchicou, E.M. Laws, ‘Numerical treatment of partial differential equations. Applications to thermo-fluid dynamics problems’. 4th International Colloquium on Numerical Analysis, Plovdiv University, Bulgaria, August 13-17, 1995.
q E. M. Laws and M. Aichouni, ‘ The development of fully development turbulent pipe flow ‑ An analytical and experimental study of the entrance region’. The Eighth Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows. Munich, Germany. September, 9‑11, 1991.